Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/828

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above obligation to be void and of none effect, otherwise it shall abide and remain in full force and virtue.

Sealed and delivered
in the presence of

Provided, that in cases where bonds have been already given, according to the directions aforesaid, new bonds shall not be required.

Fees of the collectors, naval officers and surveyors.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the last day of March next, and in lieu of the fees and emoluments heretofore established, there shall be allowed and paid for the use of the collectors, naval officers and surveyors, appointed and to be appointed in pursuance of law, the fees following; that is to say; to each collector for every entrance of any ship or vessel of one hundred tons burthen and upwards, two dollars and an half; for every clearance of any ship or vessel of one hundred tons burthen and upwards, two dollars and an half; for every entrance of any ship or vessel under the burthen of one hundred tons, one dollar and an half; for every clearance of any ship or vessel under one hundred tons burthen, one dollar and an half; for every post entry two dollars; for every permit to land goods, twenty cents; for every bond taken officially, forty cents; for every permit to load goods for exportation, which are entitled to drawback, thirty cents; for every debenture or other official certificate, twenty cents; for every bill of health, twenty cents; for every official document, (registers excepted) required by any merchant, owner or master of any ship or vessel not before enumerated, twenty cents; and where a naval officer is appointed to the same port, the said fees shall be equally divided between the collector and the said naval officer, the latter paying one third of the expense of the necessary stationery, and of the rent of an office to be provided by the collector, at the place assigned for his residence, and as conveniently as may be for the trade of the district,—except the expense of fuel, office rent and necessary stationery for the collectors of the districts of Salem and Beverly, Boston and Charlestown, the cities of New York, Philadelphia and Charleston, the towns of Baltimore, Norfolk and Portsmouth, which shall be paid three fourths by the said collectors, and the other fourth by the respective naval officers in those districts; and all fees shall, at the option of the collector, be either received by him or by the naval officer, the party receiving to account monthly with the other for his proportion or share thereof: Provided, that all fees arising on the exportation of any goods, wares or merchandise on which drawbacks are allowed, shall be equally shared among the collector, naval officer and surveyor, where there are such officers at the port where the fees are paid, to be accounted for monthly, by the collector or naval officer who shall receive the same; and where there is no naval officer, such fees shall be divided equally between the collector and the surveyor, who may have been concerned in attending to such exportation, and the surveyors shall pay their proportion of the expenses of stationery and printing. To each surveyor, for the admeasurement and certifying the same, of every ship or vessel of one hundred tons and under, one cent per ton; for the admeasurement of every ship or vessel above one hundred tons and not exceeding two hundred tons, one hundred and fifty cents; for the admeasurement of every ship or vessel above two hundred tons, two hundred cents; for all other services by this act to be performed by such surveyor, on board any ship or vessel of one hundred tons or upwards, having on board goods, wares or merchandise subject to duty, three dollars; for the like services on board any ship or vessel of less than one hundred tons burthen, having on board goods, wares or merchandise subject to duty, one and an half dollar; on all vessels not having on board goods, wares or merchandise subject to duty, two thirds of a dollar. All which fees shall be paid by the master or owner of the ship or vessel in which the said services shall be performed, to the surveyor by