Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/285

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which the said articles are intended to be landed, in a sum equal to what the duties would be on the said articles, if they were not of the growth, product or manufacture of the United States; with condition that the said certificate shall be produced within the term of four months, it shall be lawful for the said collector to grant a permit for the landing of the said articles, in like manner as if the said certificate had been produced.

Oaths to be administered on entries by officers of customs;Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That the oaths to be taken upon making of any of the reports or entries aforesaid, whether by the master, or other person having the charge or command of any ship or vessel, or the owner or consignee of any goods, wares or merchandise, his or her factor or agent, shall be administered by the collector or officer to whom report or entry shall be made, and where there shall be a naval officer, in the presence of such naval officer, who shall attend for that purpose, and shall be reduced to writing, and shall be subscribed by the person administering the same, and by the said naval officer, if any shall be present: and the said collector, jointly with the said naval officer, where there is a naval officer, or alone where there is none, shall, according to the best of his or their judgment or information, who shall make an estimate of the amount of the duties thereon.make a gross estimate of the amount of the duties on the goods, wares or merchandise to which the entry of any owner or consignee, his or her factor or agent shall relate, which estimate shall be endorsed upon such entry, and signed by the officer or officers making the same. And the amount of the said duties according to the said estimate, having been first paid or secured, pursuant to the provisions of this act, the said collector shall grant a permit to land the goods, wares or merchandise, whereof such entry shall have been made, and then and not otherwise it shall be lawful to land the said goods.

Penalty for unlading goods unless in open day and with a permit,Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That no goods, wares or merchandise brought in any ship or vessel from any foreign port or place, shall be unladen or delivered from such ship or vessel, within the United States, but in open day—that is to say; between the rising and setting of the sun, except by special license from the chief officer of the port for that purpose, nor at any time without a permit from the collector for such unlading or delivery: and if any goods, wares or merchandise shall be unladen or delivered from any such ship or vessel, contrary to the directions aforesaid, or any of them, the master or person having the command or charge of such ship or vessel, and every other person who shall knowingly be concerned or aiding therein, or in removing, storing, or otherwise securing the said goods, wares or merchandise, shall forfeit and pay the sum of four hundred dollars for each offence; and shall be disabled from holding any office of trust or profit under the United States, for a term not exceeding seven years; and it shall be the duty of the collector of the district, to advertise the names of all such persons in a newspaper, printed in the state in which he resides, within twenty days after each respective conviction. and goods to be forfeited.And all goods, wares or merchandise so unladen or delivered, shall become forfeited, and may be seized by any of the officers of the customs; and where the value thereof according to the highest market price of the same, shall amount to four hundred dollars, the vessel, tackle, apparel and furniture, shall be subject to like seizure and forfeiture.

Goods removed before being weighed or gauged, also to be forfeited.Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That no goods, wares or merchandise brought in any ship or vessel from any foreign port or place, requiring to be weighed or gauged in order to ascertain the duties thereupon, shall be removed from any wharf or place upon which the same may be landed or put, before the same shall have been weighed or gauged, by or under the direction of a proper officer for that purpose; and if any such goods, wares or merchandise shall be removed from such wharf or place, unless with consent of the proper officer, before