Page:Two Wet Bears.webm/7

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Buster Bear
Doggone, Amos, the boat is wrecked! But even so, I's happy to have my feet on solid ground again. Oh, my head is spinnin'! Oh!

Beachcomber Bill
So, you got smarts. And you brought my boat back, did ye? And you wrecked it in the bargain. Well, you're gonna get plenty for it, oh, for breaking Beachcomber Bill!

No, we didn't take your boat, Mr. Beachcomber. We saw an empty boat floatin' around, and we didn't do anything. I'll tell you, we didn't.

Beachcomber Bill
Unlikely story, you took my boat and you left me here to starve to death without any way of gettin' to the mainland for food or supplies.

Buster Bear
Shut my mouth, Mr. Bill! You don't believe we'd do such a thing as that. We didn't smash your boat to bits.

Beachcomber Bill
Well, it's your fault, and I won't feel one bit about livin' on bear meat 'till someone comes along to rescue me. I'll start the kettle boilin' right now.