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At the name of James Capel Margaret gave a little low cry and Peter Kennedy sat down by her side, abruptly.

"We heard you were being visited by Gabriel Stanton and a watch was set upon you. Your decree is not yet made absolute. It never will be now, if the King's Proctor is informed. James, I know, does not wish for a divorce from you."

Margaret sat very still and speechless,—any movement, she knew, might bring on that sickening pain. Peter too realised the position, although he had so little to guide him.

"Answer her. Don't let her think you are afraid. It's blackmail she's after. I am sure of it," he whispered to his patient. Thus strengthened Margaret made an effort for self-control. Peter saw then that the fear was not as new to her as it was to him.

"So it is you who have been having this house watched? Is it perhaps your husband who has been making love to my cook?" Since Peter Kennedy was here she would not show the cold fear at her heart. Mrs. Roope was not offended. She had been kicked out of too many houses by irate fathers, brothers, and husbands to be sensitive.

"No, that is not my husband. The gentleman who has been here is my nephew. As for making love to your cook, I will not admit it. I suggested your maid."