Page:Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (1726 Volume 1).djvu/26

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A Voyage

to the Eaſt and Weſt-Indies, by which I got ſome addition to my Fortune. My hours of Leiſure I ſpent in reading the beſt Authors, ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number of Books; and when I was aſhore, in obſerving the Manners and Diſpoſitions of the People, as well as learning their Language, wherein I had a great facility by the ſtrength of my memory.

The laſt of theſe Voyages not proving very fortunate, I grew weary of the Sea, and intended to ſtay at home with my Wife and Family. I removed from the Old Jury to Fetter-Lane, and from thence to Wapping, hoping to get Buſineſs among the Sailors; but it would not turn to account. After three years Expectation that things would mend, I accepted an advantageous Offer from Captain William Prichard, Maſter of the Antelope, who was making a voyage to the South-Sea. We ſet ſail from Briſtol, May 4th, 1699, and our Voyage at firſt was very proſperous.
