Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Jebb 1917).djvu/18

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Prince, my kinsman, son of Menoeceus, what news hast thou brought us from the god?


Good news: I tell thee that even troubles hard to bear,—if haply they find the right issue,—will end in perfect peace.

Oe. But what is the oracle? So far, thy words make me neither bold nor yet afraid.90

Cr. If thou wouldest hear while these are nigh, I am ready to speak; or else to go within.

Oe. Speak before all: the sorrow which I bear is for these more than for mine own life.

Cr. With thy leave, I will tell what I heard from the god. Phoebus our lord bids us plainly to drive out a defiling thing, which (he saith) hath been harboured in this land, and not to harbour it, so that it cannot be healed.

Oe. By what rite shall we cleanse us? What is the manner of the misfortune?

Cr. 100By banishing a man, or by bloodshed in quittance of bloodshed, since it is that blood which brings the tempest on our city.

Oe. And who is the man whose fate he thus reveals?

Cr. Laïus, king, was lord of our land before thou wast pilot of this State.

Oe. I know it well—by hearsay, for I saw him never.

Cr. He was slain; and the god now bids us plainly