Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/246

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Across the harbour from Pictou is "the Landing" from which an 8-mile branch of the Intercolonial runs to New Glasgow (2 miles east of Stellarton) among the coal-mining and industrial activities that give this section its provincial and extra-provincial fame.

Antigonish is the demure mistress of a wide demesne that rambles by river and lake to upland pastures, that verges ragged glens and dips from hills to sea. "The pretty Catholic village" which all but lured Charles Dudley Warner from his pilgrimage to Baddeck is the capital of "the finest diversified farm county in Nova Scotia." Not only is it dowered in lands, but in the wealth of the ocean, in historic lore, and in varied nature scenes. Trout, bass, mackerel, salmon, clams and lobsters are taken in the streams and on the bay shore of the county, and in the fall geese swarm among the islands at the harbour mouth.

Low mountains range northward along the peninsula that intervenes between Northumberland Strait and the Bay of St. George. Beautiful, even awesome are the gorges and abrupt steeps disclosed on the way to Arisaig, a village that looks toward Prince Edward Island. On the bay coast, informal summer colonies pre-empt beach and grassy plateau and bewitching islands. In another direction is Lochaber, a lake 5 miles long that joins its beauty with that of the West River. McDonald's Mountain and Sugar Loaf compen-