Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/20

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They are designed to battle in winter with the ice of northern seas and are therefore very staunchly constructed. The voyage from New York through Long Island Sound and thence northward to Halifax is very little longer and far less arduous than one made overland by way of Boston or Montreal.

The mail packet Trinidad of the Quebec Steamship Company, Ltd. (A. E. Outerbridge and Company, 29, Broadway, New York), proceeds from New York every two weeks in the summer season via the Sound to Halifax, arriving in about 48 hours, and departing again, after a stop of half a day, for the Canso and Northumberland Straits, Gaspé Basin (Quebec) and the city of Quebec. A side excursion is made up the river Saguenay. The return itinerary includes a call at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, besides a stop at Halifax.

The Plant Line (Commercial Wharf, Boston) offers a convenient schedule and fast service between Boston, Halifax, Hawkesbury and Charlottetown. Steamers leaving Boston at noon reach Halifax (390 miles) the following afternoon. Hawkesbury, at the southernmost point of Cape Breton Island, on the Gut of Canso, is an overnight sail from Halifax, and is about eight hours distant from Charlottetown, the terminus of the Plant Line. The Evangeline, pride of this service, is