Page:Tiresias, and other poems (IA tiresiasotherpoe00tennrich).pdf/114

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Sweet-arts! Molly belike may ’a lighted to-night upo’ one.
Sweet-arts! thanks to the Lord that I niver not listen’d to noän!
So I sits i’ my oän armchair wi’ my oän kettle theere o’ the hob,
An’ Tommy the fust, an’ Tommy the second, an’ Steevie an’ Rob.

Rob, coom cop ’ere o’ my knee. Thou sees that i’ spite o’ the men
I ’a kep’ thruf thick an’ thin my two ’oonderd a-year to mysen;
Yis! thaw tha call’d me es pretty es ony lass i’ the Shere;
An’ thou be es pretty a Tabby, but Robby I seed thruf ya theere.