Page:Through the torii (IA throughtorii00noguiala).pdf/141

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beyond the world and humanity. I was called, when I was almost forgetting human speech, back to Tokyo again to pay life’s toll, where I was at once besieged by the same winter cold; worse than that, I was forced to settle my yearly account from which I had attempted to escape some twenty days before. My little adonis davurica, to use the botanical name, or the Fortune Longevity Grass at the southern window of my home was not yet in bloom; I was again obliged to shut myself within the room with a little brazier on whose ashes I could write and rewrite the pages from the Songs of Innocence, and to look happy travelling before Fuji Mountain’s presence in Hiroshige’s pictures. But it happend one morning when I was washing my face in my garden (oh, where’s yester year’s morning-glory?) that the very first note of a nightingale made me raise my face at once to the plum tree where two or three blossoms had just begun to break; “At last, Spring even to Tokyo,” I exclaimed. I made a habit from then to sit on the balcony facing the garden when the sunlight fell there with all heart and soul and to count the blossoms