Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/354

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a wreath with his card on this tomb of Juliet. But I could not ascertain what had become of the body of Juliet,—for the coffin is now empty. Is it profane to suspect that this coffin is a hoax,—even if we suppose Juliet to be a historic person? But tourists never ask questions, and like a faithful believer, I instantly paid my homage to that most gushing of all lovers buying a photograph of the place!

The cathedral of Verona was built in the fourteenth century and is worth visit. A fine painting of the Assumption by Cathedral.Tatien hangs over one of the altars. I left Verona in the afternoon, and as I had seen Milan and Venice during my previous visit to Europe, I went southwards to see Florence and Rome. I passed by the classic town of Mantua, which was the residence of Virgil for a time, and reached Bologna a night.

Bologna is a city of arcades, the foot-paths in most of the important streets are arched over. The Piazza Vittorio Emanuel (Victor Emanuel Square) the centre of Bologna, and some of the oldest historic houses are situated here. In the centre of this square is the celebrated statue of Neptune by John of Bologna, and on one side of this square is the great church of San Petronio. The immense proportions of the church, its beautiful Lombard-Gothic architecture, less rigid than pure Gothic, and Church.its beautiful painted windows, all make the church imposing. The chapels are rich and splendid, and belong to the prin-