Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/319

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exquisite. The suites of chambers, the fine dining hall and the still finer ball room are well worth a visit. The inlaid wooden floor of different rooms that I passed through are the best of their kind that I have seen anywhere. Near the palace of Hanover of which I have spoken above is the spacious Waterloo Place at the further end of which rises the lofty Waterloo Column 154 ft. high, to commemorate the gallant assistance which the Hanoverians rendered in the great victory of the Waterloo. A fine avenue of lime trees over a mile in length and 120 yards in width leads from the town to the palace of Herrenhausen which was the favorite residence of George I. and George II.

To the great capital of the German Fatherland at last! Like all the great capitals of continental Europe, Berlin.Berlin has in recent times been adorned and beautified after the manner of Paris, and is now one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Berlin was a small village of fishermen in the twelfth century. In 1250 it was made a city and in 1300 it was surrounded by a wall. In 1340 Berlin was still an insignificant member of the famous Hanseatic league in which the then flourishing and rich towns of Bruges and Ghent took the lead. It was in the 17th century that Berlin attained its modern importance under Frederick William, the "Great Elector" and the founder of the Prussian Monarchy. On the death of the "Great Elector" Frederick III. succeeded, and assumed the title of king Frederick I. in 1701. His successor was the celebrated Frederick the Great (1740-1786) who