Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/220

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and silver letters on a reddish ground. The value of this work consists in the fact that it is the sole relic of the Gothic language of that age, and antiquarians are exclusively indebted to it for their knowledge of that language. The M.S. was captured in the thirty years' war and was presented by Queen Christiana to Vassius, her librarian, and was purchased from him for 400 crowns by De la Gardie, the Chancellor of the University.

Not far from the library is the castle named Slott, founded by Gustavus Vasa in 1548 but never completed. From the top of this rock we could see at a distance of about two miles the three Kungshogur or Tumuli of the ancient kings, each about 58 ft. in diameter. They are named Thor, Odin and Freyr after the Scandinavian gods. One of them was opened in 1845 and another in 1874 when evidence of their having been thrown up by human hands was found.

We left Upsala at 7-30 p. m. and reached Stockholm at 10 p. m. Some Germans, one Hungarian and one Swiss gentleman had been travelling with us all the way since we came to Norway,—to the North Cape and back again, and now to Stockholm. All continental nations are remarkable for their extreme courtesy to strangers, and I will always bear pleasing recollections of the many acts of courtesy and kindly assistance which these friends rendered to us throughout our journey.

5th August. Stockholm has a population of about 200,000, i. e., about one-fourth Stockholm.the population of Calcutta and