Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/188

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Norway and Sweden.

Shall we not leave the crowded and dusty streets of London and travel about a little this summer? The thermometer is over 80° in the shade, and the houses are so closely packed and the rooms so small in London, there is such an absolute want of all appliances to keep off the heat, that London at 85° in the shade is more trying than Calcutta 100°. Thousands of Londoners are leaving the town for the country or the seaside, for Scotland or the Continent. The London season is over, the Academy and other annual sights have been seen, the Parliament has been prorogued, educational Institutions have been closed, the shops have nearly finished their great clearance half-price sales. On the other hand, the country is charming in its summer verdure, and shooting will shortly commence. There is a general stampede from London therefore, and by the end of July the great metropolis of England will be emptied of its "Society." It really reminds one of the annual migration of birds!

Well, we too are regular migratory birds,—myself and my two friends hailing also from India,—had we not better stretch our wings also? Shall we not make the best of our visit to Europe,—in the way of travelling? Tried travellers and true, my companions were as enthusiastic in their desire to roam in foreign climes and new