Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/23

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Moral Diſcipline.

when their tempers have been ſpoiled by indiſcreet indulgence, they become troubleſome, and are moſtly left with ſervants; the firſt notions they imbibe, therefore, are mean and vulgar. They are taught cunning, the wiſdom of that claſs of people, and a love of truth, the foundation of virtue, is ſoon obliterated from their minds. It is, in my opinion, a well-proved fact, that principles of truth are innate. Without reaſoning we aſſent to many truths; we feel their force, and artful ſophiſtry can only blunt thoſe feelings which nature has implanted in us as inſtinctive guards to virtue. Diſſimulation and cunning will ſoon drive all othergood