Page:They're a multitoode (1900).djvu/97

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more priests in long white robes came out of the temple. They began to mutter and wave their hands. The tall man next to Bo said, "Something black is coming out of the ground!" Bo stood on tip-toe and strained his eyes to see.

The something grew larger and larger. Every eye was fixed upon the spot. Could it be the top of a head? Yes, for the brow, eyes, nose, and mouth slowly appeared. All this time the priests never once went near. The big black idol seemed to rise of itself. The crowd, almost wild with excitement, cried out, "A miracle! a miracle!"

Bo thought the priests looked much pleased when the people shouted, "'Tis a miracle!" Soon the priests went into the temple. They didn't think any one would dare go inside the circle.

Now it happened that the tall man who stood next to Bo no longer believed that idols were gods. "The priests are trying to cheat us," thought he. "A rival temple is the favorite, where most money is given. The priests of this temple are poor. They have made up this miracle in order to draw more offerings here." So this wise man said to a friend near, "Let us make this god grow faster." The other agreed. They went boldly forward and took hold of the idol.

Bo heard people say, "They will surely fall down dead."

But no; the god came up quickly—head, hands, body—all complete. Still the two brave men stood unharmed and actually laughing. They cried out, "The priests have fooled us; come and see for yourselves!"