Page:They're a multitoode (1900).djvu/86

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Li Liang Chen

Student, Soldier, Trader, Evangelist.

Rev. J. L. Stewart, B.A., B.D.

It was on the street of the Temple of the Four Sages, in the capital city, Chengtu, Szechuan. There, to-day, its low, grey gable abutting the entrance gates, stands also the Worship Hall to the Western God, who is surely becoming Father of the East and of all. Within the temple, only the smoke of a few incense sticks mingled with the tobacco and opium fumes curled upward through cobwebs and tiles to the heavens. In the Worship Hall, three score and more of China's youth, black-haired, bright-eyed, brilliant-minded hopes of her future greatness, were gathered. But half the hall was theirs. Up the centre ran a wooden wall past which presumably not even a wandering glance might go. That part beyond was sacred to the women and school girls. As not even these latter were present to embarrass the situation, native eloquence found full fling.

It was the weekly meeting of the Epworth League of the College boys. Moreover, it was missionary night, and members were all attention. The leader was in