Page:They're a multitoode (1900).djvu/101

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"I am a very little boy, but I ain't too small to work. Last year you did not give me a copper to work with, but I thought I would try and do something for poor little boys and girls away off in heathen lands, so last summer I picked dandelions, tied them in bunches, and sold them around the town, total amount, 5 cts."

"Total proceeds, $12.12."

"I first bought a can with my cent, and picked berries and sold them. Received twenty cents."

"I bought a row of carrots of my Father for a cent, and had five pails, and sold them at 10c. per pail, which is fifty cents."

"I bought a cents worth of knitting cotton and knit a pair of garters and sold them for Ten cents. (10c.)"

"We Bought 2 cents worth of Eggs and Sett them, got 2 chickens, and sold them for 20 cents."

"Bought one ct's worth of Bootblacking, blackned boots for five cts. bought five ct's worth, blackned boots for five cts. a week, got one dollar."—Missionary Outlook.