Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/353

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The Four Monarchies. 267

For when the fouldiers rifled had their pleafure,

And taken money plate and golden treafure,

Statues fome ' gold, and lilver numberlefs,

Yet after all, as ftoryes do exprefs

The fhare of Alexa^ide? did amount

To an hundred thoufand talents by account.

Here of his own he fets a Garifon,

(As firft at ShuJJian and at Babylon)

On their old Governours titles he laid.

But on their faithfulnefs he never ftaid.

Their place ' gave to his Captains (as was " juft)

For fuch revolters falfe, what King can" truft?

The riches and the pleafures of this town

Now makes this King his virtues all to drown,

That wallowing^ in all licentioufnefs,

In pride and cruelty to high "^ excefs.

Being inflam'd with wine upon a feafon,

Filled with madnefs, and quite void of reafon.

He at a bold proud " ftrumpets lend defire.

Commands to fet this goodly town on fire.

Parmenio wife intreats him to delift

And layes before his eyes if he perlift

His fames -^ difhonour, lofs unto his ftate,

And juft procuring of the Perjians hate :

But deaf to reafon, bent to have his will, [i4c>]

Thofe ftately ftreets with raging flame did fill.

Then to Darius he directs his way.

Who was retir'd as far as ^ Media,

^ of. ■f charge. i moft. « Prince will. "" He walloweth now, «' to th' higheft. •* bafe. y names. z and gone to.

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