Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/303

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The Four Moil a rr hies. 217

And thought the people would more happy he

If govern'd by an Ariftocracy:

But others thought (none of the dulleft brain)

That better one then many tyrants reign.

What Arguments they us'd, I know not well,

Too politick, its like, for me to tell,

But in conclufion they all agree,

Out of the feven a Monarch chofen be.

All envy to avoid, this was thought on

Upon a green to meet by rifing fun,

And he whofe horfe before the reft ftiould neigh.

Of all the Peers fhould have precedency.

They all attend on the appointed hour.

Praying to fortune for a kingly power.

Then mounting on their fnorting courfers proud,

Darms lufty Stallion neigh'd full loud."

The Nobles all alight, bow to their King,

And joyfull acclamations fhrill they ring.

A thoufand times, long live the King they cry,

Let Tyranny with dead Cambifes dye:

Then all ^ attend him to his royall room;

Thanks for all this to's crafty ftable-groom.

"J Instead of the four lines following this, the first edition has, — The Nobles all alight, their King tc greet, And after Perjia7i manner, kifle his feet. His happy willies now doth no man fpare, But acclamations ecchoes in the aire : A thoufand times, God fave the King, they cry. Let tyranny now with Cambyfes dye.

b They then.


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