Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/217

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The Four Humours of Man. 131

As with thy mother fire, fo tis with thee.

The beft of all the four when they agree:

But let her leave the reft, then " I prefume

Both them and all things elfe fhe would " confume.

VVhilft us for thine aflbciates thou tak'll,

A Souldier moft compleat in all points mak'ft:

But when thou fcorn'ft to take the help we lend,

Thou art a Fury or infernal Fiend.

Witnefs the execrable deeds thou'ft done,

Nor fparing Sex nor Age, nor Sire nor Son;

To fatisfie thy pride and cruelty,

Thou oft haft broke bounds of Humanit3^

Nay fliould I tell, thou would'ft count me no blab.

How often for the lye, thou'ft given the ftab.

To take the wall's a fin of fo high rate.

That nought but death ^ the fame may expiate,

To crofs thy will, a challenge doth deferve

So fhed'ft that blood,^ thou'rt bounden to preferve

Wilt thou this valour. Courage, Manhood call;

No, know 'tis pride moft diabolibal.

If murthers be thy glory, tis no lefs, [30]

lie not envy thy feats, nor happinefs:

But if in fitting time and place 'gainft foes

For countreys good thy life thou dar'ft expofe,

Be dangers n'er fo high, and courage great,

He praife that pro"wefs, fury, Choler, heat;

But fuch thou never art when all alone,

Yet fuch when we all four are joyn'd in one.

■ « and. " will. _ / blood.

'/ So Ipil.s that life. that f'urv, valoui-.

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