Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/159

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Meditations. 73

laft ouercame them, and kept them vnder flauery: fo it is moft certain that thofe that are difobedient to the Command of God, and endeavour not to the vtmoft to drive out all their accurfed inmates, but make a league with them, they fhall at laft fall into perpetuall bond- age vnder them vnleffe the great deliuerer, Chrift Jefus, come to their refcue.


/^~^OD hath by his prouidence fo ordered, that no ^-^ one Covntry hath all Commoditys w^ithin it felf, but what it wants, another fhall fupply, that fo there may be a mutuall Commerce through the world. As it is with Covntrys fo it is with men, there was neuer yet any one man that had all excellences, let his parts, naturall and acquired, fpirituall and morall, be neuer fo large, yet he ftands in need of fomething which another man hath, (perhaps meaner then him- felf,) which fhews vs perfection is not below, as alfo, that God will haue vs beholden one to another.

��"ly /TY hon and dear mother intended to haue filled up this ■^ -^ Book with the like obfervations, but was prevented by Death.*

��* This note is in the handwriting of the Rev. Simon Bradstreet.


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