Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/136

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50 Anne Bradjlreets Works.



WEET words are like hony, a little may refrefh, but too much gluts the ftomach.



TUERSE children haue their different natures; fome are like flelh which nothing- but fait will

��keep from putrefa(5tion ; fome again like tender fruits that are befh preferued with fugar: thofe parents are wife that can fit their nurture according to their Nature.


'T^HAT town which thoufands of enem3^s Avithout -*- hath not been able to take, hath been deliuered vp by one traytor within; and that man, which all the temptations of Sathan without could not hurt, hath been foild by one luft within. •


A UTHORITY without wifedome is like a heavy ■^ ^ axe without an edg, fitter to bruife then polilh.


nr^HE reafon why chriftians are fo loth to exchang ^ this world for a better, is becaufe they haue more fence then faith : they fe what they inioy, they do but hope for that which is to Come.

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