Page:The tourist's guide to Lucknow.djvu/179

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tigers, &c., was also held within the enclosure of this building. But the encounter between the elephant and rhinoceros, which required to be viewed at a safe distance, took place across the river on the ground in front of the Hazri Bagh.[1] the building now occupied by the Oudh Ice Company, the King and his court watching it from the upper storey of the Shah Munzil.

It was in the court-yard of the Moti Mahal that Doctor Bartram and Brigadier Cooper, of the Artillery, were killed on the 26th of September, and it was here that Colonel Campbell, of H.M.'s 90th, was mortally wounded. At the gateway one of General Havelock's 24-pounders stuck, but was withdrawn by the skilful exertions of Captain Olpherts. In assisting this operation a very distinguished officer of the Madras Artillery, Captain Crump, was killed. This was the advanced position taken by Sir Colin Campbell's relieving army; and it was here that the rear guard and heavy guns and wounded men of General Havelock's force halted on the night of the 25th September, 1857, (vide page 83).


The name of this building means "House of the Sun." It was commenced by Sadat Ali Khan and completed by his son, Gazi-nd-din Haidar. The Khurshaid Munzil is built in the form of a castle. It is surrounded by a moat 12 feet broad, over which there was formerly a drawbridge, but this has since been replaced by a masonry bridge (or bridges since there are now four entrances), by which access is gained to the building. It was not devoted to any particular purpose during the time of the Kings of Oudh, but, after the annexation, it was used as the Mess-House of the Officers of the 32nd Regiment.

This handsome and commodious double storied building is now the property of Lucknow La Martiniere authorities, to whom it was made over, on 27th November, 1876, as a free gift from Government, for the use of La Martiniere Girls' High School. Extensive additions and improvements have been made to the building at a cost of more than one lac of rupees from La Martiniere "Female Education Fund," and it is now admirably suited to the requirements of a Boarding School. The situation is one of the healthiest in Lucknow, and the school grounds are extensive, affording the pupils ample scope for exercise and recreation. The instruction is in accordance with

  1. It was here that the Kings of Oudh generally entertained their European guests to breakfast, hence the name.
  2. Struck by lightning on the evening of 12th March. 1801, without injury to life or property.