Page:The story of milk.djvu/87

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Nesselrode Pudding:

3 gallons 30% cream
10 dozen eggs
10 lbs. cane sugar
4 oz. vanilla extract
6 lbs. candied cherries and assorted fruits
4 lbs. raisins
4 lbs. macaroons

Manhattan Pudding:

3 gallons 30% cream
10 dozen eggs
12 lbs. sugar
2 qts. orange juice
1 pt. lemon juice
4 lbs. walnut meats
4 lbs. pecan meats
4 lbs. cherries and assorted fruits

Plum Pudding:

3 gallons 30% cream
10 dozen eggs
10 lbs. sugar
2-1/2 lbs. chocolate
4 lbs. cherries and assorted fruits
2 lbs. raisins
2 lbs. figs
1 lb. walnut meats
3 teaspoonfuls ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoonful ground cloves.

VIII. Aufait is a brick cream consisting of layers of one or more kinds of cream with solid layers of frozen fruits.

Fig aufait may be made from three layers of cream of various flavors with two layers of whole or sliced figs. It is most satisfactory to slice the figs lengthwise in halves.

Other aufaits may be made from a variety of pre-