Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/17

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The rebels march on Worcester; history and description
of the city 47-49

Action of Wulfstan; deliverance of Worcester 48-51

Movements of Odo in Kent; he occupies Rochester 52

Rochester, Tunbridge, and Pevensey 52-53

The war at Rochester; history and description of the
city and castle 52-56

Duke Robert sends over Eustace of Boulogne and
Robert of Bellême 56

The three sons of Earl Roger 57

Earl Roger at Arundel; history and description of
the castle 58-59

William of Warren; his earldom of Surrey; his
loyalty; he keeps Lewes 59-60

The King wins over Earl Roger 60-61

Robert of Mortain holds Pevensey against the King 62

Loyal Normans; Robert Fitz-hamon 62

The Church and the people for the King 63

William's proclamations and promises; the English
arm for him 63-65

Meeting of the English army at London; William
accepted as English king 65-67

William's march; English hatred of Odo 67

Taking of Tunbridge castle 68-70

March towards Rochester; Odo at Pevensey 70

Duke Robert fails to help the rebels 71

The English besiege Odo in Pevensey 72-73

Robert at last sends help; the Norman landing
hindered by the English 74-75

Alleged death of William of Warren 76

Pevensey surrenders; terms granted to Odo; Rochester
to be surrendered 76

The garrison of Rochester refuse to surrender; Odo
taken prisoner by his own party 77

William's Niðing proclamation; second English
muster 78

Siege of Rochester; straits of the besieged; they agree
to surrender 79-80

Lesson of the war; the King stronger than any one
noble; the unity of England 80-81

The King refuses terms to the besieged 81

Pleadings for the besieged, Odo and others; the
King grants terms 82-85

The honours of war refused to Odo; his humiliation;
he leaves England 87-89

June 4, The Whitsun Assembly; confiscations and grants;
1088. amnesty of the chief rebels 88