Page:The practice of typography; correct composition; a treatise on spelling, abbreviations, the compounding and division of words, the proper use of figures and nummerals by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914.djvu/164

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Small capitals for names of authors

The signature of the writer or editor, or the credit given to an author at the end of an article or a paragraph, is frequently put in capitals and small capitals.

The engagement occurred on August 5, 1864, and lasted four hours. Editor.
If thou wilt receive profit, read with humility, simplicity, and faith, and seek not the fame of being learned. Thomas A Kempis.

A style more approved now is to set these credits at the end of the matter in italic lower-case, and to omit the em dash often used to connect the name of the writer with the remark or quotation.

When two or more quotations appear as mottos, the name of the author may be set in small capitals, but in a separate line. When small capitals are selected for the author's name, italic may be employed for the name of the book, and a smaller roman type for the specification of the occasion.

It appears to us a self-evident truth that, whatever the gospel is designed to destroy at any period of the world, being contrary to it, ought now to be abandoned.

William Lloyd Garrison, in the Declaration of Sentiments of the Peace Convention at Boston, September 18–20, 1838.

In short, I did what I could for the redemption of the human race.

William Lloyd Garrison to Henry C. Wright, August 23, 1840.