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Prof. EDWARD CHANNING'S History of tKe United States 'pO be completed in eight volumes of frofnfive to six hun- dred pages each, 8vo, bound in dark blue cloth, Tvith gilt top and title, etc. The set will be a hand- some, substantial ad- dition to any library. gathers into one comprehensive presentment the evolution of the American people. His orderly, well-balanced statements of fact stand out against a background of wide personal knowledge and deep personal insight. They are woven into a convincing, essentially readable narrative which is consistent in its point of view, and unbroken in its sequence. "Volume I The Planting of a Nation in the New World 1000-1660 Now Ready, Cloth, 8vo, ^It tops, $2.^0, net. (Postage 20 cents.) By EDWARD CHANNING Professor 0/ History in Harvard University. The Cambridge Modern History Planned by the late LORD ACTON, LL.D., Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge. Edited by A. W. WARD, Litt.D G. W. PROTHERO, litt.D., and STANLEY LEATHES, M.A. To be complete in twelve volumes. Royal 8vo. J vols, now ready, each $4, net (postage 30c.). THE TOPICS OF THE TWELVE VOLUMES AS PROJECTED ARE AS FOLLOWS: . The Renaissance. Ready. II. The Reformation. Ready. III. The Wars of Religions. IV. The Thirty Years' War. V. Bourbons and Stuarts. VI. The Eighteenth Century. VII. The United States. Ready. VIII. The French Revolution. IX. Napoleon. X. Restoration and Reaction. XI. The Growth of Nationalities. XII. The Latest Age. Published by The Macrnillan CoEn[3any, Neu} York. On net, books ordertd/rom the publishers, carriage is uniformly an extra charge.