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Political. Science Quarterly FOUNDED IN 1856. clite<l by tKe Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University Jt Mori'Partisan Journal Devoted to Questions of Current Interest in Politics, Economics, and Law POSSIBLY no review has ever won for itself a more im- portant place in the regard of its readers than the Polit- ical Science Quarterly. During the past nineteen years it has discussed important topics and great movements of cur- rent interest with a breadth and impartiality which have gained universal respect. Especial attention has been devoted to the PQljfjrs organization of parties, to the suffrage, and to the problems raised by national expansion and the government of dependencies. In Economics it has discussed public Economics finance and taxation, railways, banking, trusts and monopolies, capital and labor, immigration, socialism, etc., giving to such subjects not an oc- casional article, but repeated examination from every essential point of view. In the field of Public Law it has treated Pl^pJjQ Lew* ^^^ ^^^ chief questions of constitutional interpretation and development, and of federal, state, and local administration. Increasing attention has been paid in recent volumes to the problems of municipal government and to measures of municipal reform. Twice each year a carefully prepared Record Events* ^ Political Events is published. This record is made of a character to render it of permanent value for reference and comparison. .A.nnual Subscription, $3.00. Single Number, 73 cents General Index, Vol. I-XV, ^O cents aiNK" & COMPiLNY Publishers Address: 29 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.