Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/69

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

meet with, wherefore we turned, and are going back again.

Yes, ſaid Miſtruſt, for juſt before us lye a couple of Lyons in the way, whether ſleeping or wakeing we know not; and we could not think, if we came within reach, but they would preſently pull us in pieces.

Chr. Then ſaid Chriſtian, You make me afraid, but whither mail I fly to be ſafe? If I go back to mine own Countrey, That is prepared for Fire and Brimſtone; and I ſhall certainly periſh there. If I can get to the Cœleſtial City, I am ſure to be in ſafety there. I mud venture: To go back is nothing but death, to go forward is fear of death, and life everlaſting beyond it. I will yet go forward. So Miſtruft and Timorus ran down the Hill; and Chriſtian went on his way. But thinking again of what he heard from the men,he felt in his bofom for his Roll, that he might read therein and be comforted; but he felt and k k Chirſtian miſſed his Roll, wherein he uſed to take Comfort. found it not. Then was Chriſtian in great diſtreſs, and knew not what to do, for he wanted that which uſed to relieve him, and that which ſhould have been his Paſs into the