Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/189

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs
began to tremble, and ſo did Hopeful his Companion: Yet as the Devils led away the man, Chriſtian looked to fee if he knew him, and he thought it might be one Turn-away that dwelt, in the Town of Apoſtacy. The deſtruction of one Turn-away But he did not perfectly ſee his face, for one he did hang his head like a Thief that is found: But being gone paſt, Hopeful looked after him, and eſpied on his back a Paper with this Inſcription,Wanton Profeſſor, and damnable Apoſtate. Chriſtian telleth his Companion a ſtory of Little-Faith Then ſaid Chriſtian to his Fellow, Now I call to remembrance that which was told me of a thing that happened to a good man hereabout. The name of the man was Little-Faith, but a good man, and he dwelt in the Town of Sincere. The thing was this; at the entering in of this paſſage there comes down from Broad-way-gate a Lane called Dead-mans-lane Broadway gate. Deadmans Lane.; ſo called, becauſe of the Murders that are commonly done there. And this Little-Faith going on Pilgrimage, as we do now, chanced to ſit down there and ſlept. Now there happened, at that time,to come down that Lane from Broad-way-gate three Sturdy Rogues, and