Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/101

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

der unutterable miſery; who there ſat bound in affliction and Irons: and Dver that Valley hangs the diſcouraging d d Job. 3.5. ch. 10. 22.Clouds of confuſion, death alſo doth always ſpread his wings over it: in a word, it is every whit ireadful,being utterly without Order.

Chr. Then ſaid Chriſtian, I perceive not yet, by what you have ſaid, but that e e Jer. 2. 6 this is my way to the deſired Haven.

Men. Be it thy way, we will not chuſe it for ours; ſo they parted, and Chriſtian went on his way, but ſtill with his Sword drawn in his hand, for fear left he ſhould be aſſaulted.

I ſaw then in my Dream, Pſ. 69. 14 ſo far as this Valley reached, there was on the right hand a very deep Ditch; That Ditch is it into which the blind have led the blind in all Ages, and have both there miſerably periſhed. Again, behold on the left hand, there was a very dangerous Quagg, into which, if even a good Man falls, he can find no botttom for his foot to ſtand on; Into that Quagg King David once did fall, and had no doubt therein been ſmothered, had not He that is able, pluckt him out.
