Page:The history of Tom Jones (1749 Volume 1).pdf/279

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The History of
Book III.

cept, my worthy Diſciples, if you read with due Attention, you will, I hope, find ſufficiently enforced by Examples in the following Pages.

I aſk Pardon for this ſhort Appearance, by Way of Chorus on the Stage. It is in Reality for my own Sake, that while I am diſcovering the Rocks on which Innocence and Goodneſs often ſplit, I may not be miſunderſtood to recommend the very Means to my worthy Readers, by which I intend to ſhew them they will be undone. And this, as I could not prevail on any of my Actors to ſpeak, I was obliged to declare myſelf.


A childiſh Incident, in which, however, is ſeen a good natur’d Diſpoſition in Tom Jones.

The Reader may remember, that Mr. Allworthy gave Tom Jones a little Horſe, as a kind of ſmart Money for the Puniſhment, which he imagined he had ſuffered innocently.
