Page:The history of Tom Jones (1749 Volume 1).pdf/102

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Ch. 6.
a Foundling.

As this is one of thoſe deep Obſervations which very few Readers can be ſuppoſed capable of making themſelves, I have thought proper to lend them my Aſſiſtance; but this is a Favour rarely to be expected in the Courſe of my Work. Indeed I ſhall ſeldom or never ſo indulge him, unleſs in ſuch Inſtances as this, where nothing but the Inſpiration with which we Writers are gifted, can poſſibly enable any one to make the Diſcovery.


Mrs. Deborah is introduced into the Pariſh, with a Simile. A ſhort Account of Jenny Jones, with the Difficulties and Diſcouragements which may attend young Women in the Purſuit of Learning.

Mrs. Deborah, having diſpoſed of the Child according to the Will of her Maſter, now prepared to viſit thoſe Habitations which were ſuppoſed to conceal its Mother.

Not otherwiſe than when a Kite, tremendous Bird, is beheld by the feathered Generation ſoaring aloft, and hovering over their Heads,