Page:The history of Mendelssohn's oratorio 'Elijah'.djvu/74

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" No. 9 [7] . Pray let the beginning stand as in the Bible, viz. : —



��For He shall give His an

��gels charge o - ver thee.

��and if the end ' and thus harm thee ' can be spared, and it can finish with the words ' against a stone,' I should like it better.

" No. 10 [between 7 and 8] , in the middle I propose again to alter the notes in order to keep the Bible version : —

��- bide. Be - hold .. I have commanded a wid-ow wo-man there to stu ■

��tain thee, and thou shall want nothing, nor she and her house, x\xio\ig'b,SK.

"No. II* [8]. Again the same (bar 16, &c.) :—





��his sick - ness is

��that there is no


��breath .

and then-


��in him.




��1 — r

��art thou come to call my sin,

��to call my sin to re - mem -

�� ��^P ^


��brance, to slay my son, to slay, to


��my son?

��• Mendelssohn K'^eatly altered the "Widow" scene before the oratorio was published.

( 56 )

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