Page:The empire and the century.djvu/937

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Cape wine, 150

Cudwell, Lord, 282

Caye, Mr., 164

Ceylon, 706-715; 831; Legislature, 718; population, 708; products, 711; trade, 714, 830;

Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph, 49, 96, 123-148, 226, 313, 335, 497, 498, 595, 646 850, 880, 885

Chamber of Commerce Congress, 415

Charlemagne, 8, 288

Charles I., 31, 290

Charles II., 291, 627

Chicago Reciprocity Congress, 90

China, 99, 740 et seq., 832; British settlements in, 744-746

Chinese labour, 505

Christianity in Uganda, 865

Church, the, and the Empire, 166-173

Clarke, Sir G. S., 66, 205, 208

Clive, Lord, 628, 647

Coast defence, 207

Cobden, Richard, 84, 179

Codes, cable, 281

Coffee trade, effects of Preference, 148

Colonial Conference, 339; education, 162; federation, 68; preference, 145 et seq.; table of duties, 151; tariffs, table of, 117

Connaught, Duke of, 694

Coote, Eyre, 647

Cornwallis, Lord, 629

Coronation durbar, 694

Cotton growing, 573

Courtney, Mr. Leonard. 75

Cowley, Mr. R. H., 396

Cromer, Lord, 257, 760-772

Cromwell, Oliver, 320

Cromwell, Thomas, 289

Crown Colonies administration, 883

Crown, Imperial importance of the, 34, 37, 42, 47, 696

Cuba and the United States, 103

Curzon, Lord, 604, 636, 639, 692, 702, 730

Dalhousie, Lord, 630, 647

Daly, Sir Henry, 691

Dante, 9

Davidson, Professor, quoted, 152

Deakin, Mr. Alfred, 333, 347, 429. 431, 445, 469

Defence Committee, 41, 47

Delagoa Bay, trade returns, 590

De Lanessan, M., 202

Delhi durbar, 29

De Mist's ordinanoe, 575

Devonshire, Duke of, 131

De Wet. General, 501

Dingley Tariff, the, 90, 408

Dockwra, 291

Dockyards, value of, 210

Domville, Sir Compton, 211

Dreadnought, H.M.S., 200, 209

Drummond, Sir George, 368

Dufferin, Marquis of, 376, 377, 621, 634, 639, 691

Dundonald, Lord, 449

Dupleiz, 627

Dyananda, Swami, 615

East See also Far East

Eastern Telegraph Company, 256

East India Company, 624 et seq., 827

Education, 64, 160; in Canada, 361; in India, 696-706

Edward VIII., 29; as 'British Emperor,' 30, 692

Egypt, 760; system of administration, 770

Elphinstone, Sir Mountstuart, 599, 647

Empire, definition, 6. See under British, Roman, etc.

Far East. 740 et seq., 831; cable connection with, 274

Federation. See Imperial, Colonial, and under Colonies

Fitch, Ralph, 624

Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy, 512

Foreign Tariffs, table of, 117

Formosa, 101

Foster, Mr., 404

France, exports value of, 77, 80, 91; National Debt, 74; navy of, 202, 211; trade, value of, 78

France in Asia, 833

Frederick II. of Germany, 9

Free Trade, generally examined, 106-143; generally supported, 144-169

French-Canadians, 86, 381, 420; and the South African War, 340, 376

French in India, 627

Fuchs, Professor, 75

Germany, commercial methods of, 62; education, 64; exports, 77, 80, 91, 96, 112, 118; external energy, 15; National Debt, 74, 137; navy, 201, 211; population, 72, 73, 109; trade, value of, 78; unification of, 15

Germany in Asia, 733, 833

Goldie, Sir G., 843

Gordon, General C. G., 762

Goschen, Viscount, 499

Gould, Mr. Jay. 253

Great Britain, defence of, 188; exports, 77-80, 86 et seq.; imports from Germany, 91; from United States. 91; from