Page:The empire and the century.djvu/493

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movement, because it was optional, has been subjected to more severe criticism than if it had taken place under the dictates of necessity. Spontaneous as the action undoubtedly was, and premature as by some it was regarded, it was merely a case of performing at leisure a labour which the clash of arms in the Pacific would before long have rendered imperative. On the whole, the anticipations of the federal majority have been realized. But rights enjoyed from the cradle cannot be surrendered without some subsequent heart-burnings. No Federal Government which did its duty could avoid giving occasional offence to some of the States. The causes of complaint have, however, been fewer than might reasonably be expected, and much wisdom has been shown in dealing with them. The inventive genius of the nation was not exhausted in constructing the federal mechanism; the same skilful hands that erected it have superintended its working, and have been diligent in lessening the friction inevitable at the outset. It was known beforehand that the prohibition of the Kanaka traffic would give rise to trouble in Queensland; that the tariff resulting from a compromise between Free Trade and Protection would fail to give satisfaction to many manufacturers in Victoria; and that Western Australia would never rest content until linked in railway communication with the other States. But the two latter difficulties will be remedied, and the majority in Queensland have never regarded the importation of the Kanaka as otherwise than a temporary expedient. The drawbacks to federation are evanescent, the gains large and lasting. United Australia with her forces coordinated under one command faces the future with a confidence denied to disjointed States. Free Trade throughout the Commonwealth, reached, be it noted, through the pathway of Protection, has already given a marked impetus to manufactures and commerce.

Australians smile at the glib fallacy that England's industrial greatness was founded on Free Trade. They