Page:The empire and the century.djvu/458

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4. A cable from Cape Town to the United Kingdom viâ Ascension, the West Indies, and Bermuda, with a branch to Canada.

Such a system, traversing the deepest seas, touching only British soil, protected at every point of landing by British vigilance and courage, would be as reliable for the direction of our navies, and for combined military action in times of war, as it would be useful in time of peace for the development of commerce and the interchange of thought and information on national affairs. The first colonial conference, held in London in 1887, and the second, held in Ottawa in 1894, discussed the project as a possible expansion of the Pacific cable scheme. The congress of the Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, held at Montreal in 1904, endorsed it in the strongest terms. That endorsement has now been echoed by the most important commercial bodies throughout the Empire. The subject has probably entered into the deliberations of the Pacific Cable Conference, held this year in London, and it will form a natural supplement to the work of any colonial conference summoned to consider the fiscal relations of the Empire.

Canada, as the 'half-way house of the Empire,' to use an expression of the late Principal Grant, has an especial interest in the working out of the scheme. On the Atlantic it strengthens her intimate touch with the Mother-land, and adds close connection with the West Indies and South Africa, where she has growing commercial interests. On the Pacific it touches issues vital to her present position and future development.

What are Canada's interests in the Pacific?

One would put first the trade with China, Japan, the East Indian Archipelago, and India. From time immemorial the trade with the East, the exchange of the useful products of the Western world for the luxuries of the Orient, has proved the foundation of wealth. Rome, Carthage, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Genoa, Venice—all in turn felt the influence of this stimulus as Britain feels it now. Canada will do the