Page:The empire and the century.djvu/442

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to have a group of buildings with surrounding farms devoted to this purpose- The whole cost of the college, together with its endowment and adequate scholarships to insure that teachers trained there will teach in the rural schools, is provided by Sir William Macdonald. College of Agriculture.—In connection with the College of Agriculture proper, there will be three main departments—the department of farms, the department of research, and the department of instruction. The department of farms will consist, primarily, of demonstration or illustration farms, each fully equipped and self-contained. These will be managed for profit, and also for illustrating the best-known methods of agriculture. There will be a dairy farm, with several breeds of dairy cattle; a beef farm, with several breeds of beefing cattle; and a small-cultures farm, devoted to such products as vegetables, small fruits, large fruits, poultry, dairy products, etc. Each farm will have a speciality, and it will also include live-stock and equipment for other branches of farming. For instance, the dairy farm will also have swine and poultry, and the beef farm will carry sheep, a few dairy cows, and poultry. Provision will be made on these farms for receiving a number, of apprentices, who will learn the operations of farming, as well as methods of management, by working and sharing in the management. An industrious lad will be able to earn as much on one of the farms as an apprentice, as will pay for his board in the college residence building when taking a course of instruction during the winter. The same will apply to women, who may become apprentices on the small-cultures farm in connection with fruit-growing, floriculture, dairying, or poultry-keeping. In the college department during the winter months such women could take courses in household science, including cooking, dressmaking and cutting, housekeeping, and the like.

Department of Research.—The department of research will be equipped with a competent staff and commodious