Page:The empire and the century.djvu/388

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with the others. Perhaps the transference of the West Indies to Canada, for purposes of administration, would be a first step; though it could be accomplished only by successive stages, beginning with the appointment of Canadian officials as vacancies occurred. Apart from other considerations, it is obvious that an alliance with a bond of sentiment, namely, the sentiment of a particular national duty in common, would be more secure than an alliance held together by material interests only. The sentiment of 'the White Man's Burden' is one which might appeal to French-Canadians and South African Dutch, if their respective countries had some sort of responsible part in Imperial administration, whereas the present sentiment of common blood is one which appeals to our own race only, and tends to become weakened by lapse of time, in proportion as the native-born replace the immigrants.

In 'beneficial' questions the Conference will determine the kind of common organization required to meet the particular need, and will arrange for its creation. The question of Imperial telegraphs already has proved capable of successful solution by the familiar principle of the joint-stock company. In the Pacific Cable, which is owned and operated by the Governments of Australia, England, Canada, and New Zealand, the States are associated simply as shareholders, and have control in proportion to their respective financial interest in the undertaking. The intermigration of white populations might be controlled to mutual advantage by the institution of a joint board. Other questions might be solved by the appointment of a committee to devise and recommend concurrent legislation. In all cases the Conference would be the source of initiative, and the executive authority—the latter by the individual action of its members when necessary.

There seems to be no reason why the system of the permanent Conference should not be initiated at any time, whenever the British Prime Minister sees fit to attempt the experiment. It can be discontinued at any