Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/98

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The Courtship of Ferb

Then the Druid, who attended
On king Gerg, cried, "Woe is me!
Knowledge is to us extended,
Broth shall in that beaker be!"

Brod the charioteer, who waited,
Hurled his spear without delay;
This through Gerg within his palace
And the 'beaker' made its way.

Conor through the house of feasting
Three times fifty warriors led;
Seven times twenty men were slaughtered,
He from Mani struck the head.

In that house he left behind him 25
All his troops, who fighting fell;
Brod excepted, of his people
None escaped the tale to tell.

Westward flew the fairy woman,
And to Maev brief tidings brought:
"Lo! thy son is slain by Conor,
Bad the hour in which they fought!"