Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/90

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The Courtship of Ferb

To dames and maidens comes a bitter grief
For you, who showed such skill the spear to toss;
And many hosts are mourning for their chief,
Lamenting you, a single, deepest loss.

But yesterday you shone in beauty bright.
Your hounds careering in the cheerful chase,
Your soul was lofty, and a youthful light
Was proudly shining in your glorious face.

Ill favoured now your countenance, and dead
Beside you lie your hands so cold and pale;
And severed from your body is your head,
Alas for him who cannot for you wail!

An evil news they carry to the west
To that bright hostage, Finnabar the fair;
Her brother's death with grief will fill her breast.
She'll weep for Ferb who such a loss must bear.

Nor Maev, nor Alill, on Mag Ay[1] who dwell,
Can yet endure to live and bear such woes;
And none thy countenance so changed can tell,
Alas, my cup of sorrow overflows!


  1. Pronounced Maw Ay.