Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/51

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The Courtship of Ferb

never, since Conor has ruled in Eman, hath come nor shall come to the end of time a fairer host or one more skilled in dainty feats than this that comes across the plain. It seemed to me that I was in a sweet orchard of apples, such was the fragrance that came from their garments when they were waved by the gentle breeze that swept across them. And for the feats and the frolics shown by the prince that is among them, never before saw I the like. He casts his staff for the distance of a spear cast in front of him, his dogs springing behind, in such fashion that there are the dogs bounding between the staff and the ground, there is the prince leaning over between the staff and the sky, and the staff falleth not to the ground, for together between them they seize it."

The people of Dun Geirg pressed around as the party approached, so that sixteen of the beholders were stifled at the viewing of it. And they leapt from their chariots at the gate of the burg, and the chariots were let down, and their horses were unyoked, and they came into the castle, and a right fair welcome was bid them, and preparations were made for a goodly bath. They gave them that bath in the great hall of the warriors that was hard by the castle; and presently noble supplies came in to them of all those kinds of excellent provisions that can be found on the ridge of the earth.

But, while yet they had joy in the pleasure of the feast,