Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/139

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in the Courtship of Ferb

"There is a renowned deed; food to eat on the way,
and there is no need to watch for a lie;
the son of that man, he comes to you without shame,
Mani More, he who is praised by warriors.

"He is come to sleep with Ferb, 10
with the daughter of Gerg of Glenn Geirg,
with three times fifty warriors, a real design,
this is their number, no false reckoning.

"At the ninth hour, quite clear is my speech,
is the setting forth of the feast;
there they delay together,
O king of great and fair Emain."

"In what numbers should we go—an expedition with-
out blame?"
said Conor the upright one, the fair shaped.
"Bring against them—a speech without treason—
three times fifty of the Fomorians.

"You shall have triumph with valour,
Conor, greatly rich in wars.
I will take the glorious story on me,
O king of great and fair Emain."