Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/122

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Literal Translation of the Poems


O white lady, fair with brilliancy,
what is this dreadful tale that you tell me?
Who are the foes that have come hither?
What is the condition of the men? what their names?

The Bade.

Conor, the head of heroes,
the much-conquering, high king of Ulster,
holds not back his ardour and fury
that he may destroy Glenn Geirg to-night.


Where is the place where Gerg and Mani are?
Are they not in the same place?
If that be so, not easy is that destruction
for the troops of the house of Conor!

The Bade.

Though high is the mind of Mani,
on account of the beauty of his handsome form,
he has not the might on his head
for the raid to-night to the glen.