Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/104

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The Story of the Courtship of Ferb

to their hearing, and the fortress was open before them. Into the castle went Conor, and his three hundred beside him, so that they stood at the door. Fair was the house of the king. Within it were Gerg and Buan his wife, thirty with Flann, thirty with Dubhtach, thirty with Donnell, thirty with Angus, and thirty of his clansmen with Falbe Flann. They were there for the fealty that they owed to the house of Gerg, beside the retainers who in like manner were there; moreover, there was Mani and his followers—three times fifty was their number.

Now all these had their shields made of copper. If from each man a bushel of gold and a bushel of silver and of bronze had been due, the rivets of the spear of each man of them, with the rings of gold that were about their hair, would have made good the debt. In the house were a hundred tables of brass. A brazen vat was upon the floor of the house, and it had been filled up with wine. For the whole time of three days and three nights had they been feasting; and, when Conor came to the door, only one half of the wine remained. In the house was Gerg and Buan his wife and Mani Morgor, with his troop of warriors, drinking the wine and the ale; and the gate of the fortress and the house in which they sat were defenceless. Conor advanced till he came to the door of the house; also the servant of Conor went forward till he was within that house. Now,