Page:The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.pdf/31

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I's boun' to see my gal to-night 142
I's feelin' kin' o' lonesome in my little room to-night 202
It is as if a silver chord 216
It may be misery not to sing at all 225
It was Chrismus Eve, I mind hit fu' a mighty gloomy day 137
It's all a farce,—these tales they tell 56
It's hot to-day. The bees is buzzin' 279
It's moughty tiahsome layin' 'roun' 195
I've a humble little motto 46
I've always been a faithful man 267
I've been list'nin' to them lawyers 22
I've been watchin' of 'em, parson 39
I've journeyed 'roun' consid'able, a-seein' men an' things 147
Jes' lak toddy wahns you thoo' 148
Just whistle a bit, if the day be dark 98
Key and bar, key and bar 201
Kiss me, Miami, thou most constant one! 277
Know you, winds that blow your course 40
Lay me down beneaf de willers in de grass 142
Lead gently, Lord, and slow 98
Let me close the eyes of my soul 261
Let those who will stride on their barren roads 214
'Lias! 'Lias! Bless de Lawd! 190
Like sea-washed sand upon the shore 202
Like the blush upon the rose 282
Little brown baby wif spa'klin' eyes 134
Little brown face full of smiles 267
Little lady at de do' 177
Long had I grieved at what I deemed abuse 106
Long since, in sore distress, I heard one pray 123

[ xxv ]