Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/323

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Not yet, mother.

[He hides the box again in his pocket.

Mrs. Alving.

I shall never survive this!


It must be survived. Now if I'd had Regina here, I should have told her how things stood with me—and begged her to come to the rescue at the last. She would have done it. I know she would.

Mrs. Alving.



When the horror had come upon me, and she saw me lying there helpless, like a little new-born baby, impotent, lost, hopeless—past all saving——

Mrs. Alving.

Never in all the world would Regina have done this!


Regina would have done it. Regina was so splendidly light-hearted. And she would soon have wearied of nursing an invalid like me.

Mrs. Alving.

Then heaven be praised that Regina is not here


Well then, it is you that must come to the rescue, mother.

Mrs. Alving.

[Shrieks aloud.] I!