Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/293

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I know it. You may live the same life here as there, and yet it won't be the same life.

Mrs. Alving.

[Who has been listening eagerly, rises, her eyes big with thought, and says:] Now I see the sequence of things.


What is it you see?

Mrs. Alving.

I see it now for the first time. And now I can speak.


[Rising.] Mother, I don't understand you.


[Who has also risen.] Perhaps I ought to go?

Mrs. Alving.

No. Stay here. Now I can speak. Now, my boy, you shall know the whole truth. And then you can choose. Oswald! Regina!


Hush! The Pastor——


[Enters by the hall door.] There! We have had a most edifying time down there.


So have we.