Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/284

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Mrs. Alving.

How? What?


That you couldn't deny me anything.

Mrs. Alving.

My dear Oswald——




[Brings a tray with a half-bottle of champagne and two glasses, which she sets on the table.] Shall I open it?


No, thanks. I will do it myself.

[Regina goes out again.

Mrs. Alving.

[Sits down by the table.] What was it you meant—that I musn't deny you?


[Busy opening the bottle.] First let us have a glass—or two.

[The cork pops; he pours wine into one glass, and is about to pour it into the other.

Mrs. Alving.

[Holding her hand over it.] Thanks; not for me.


Oh! won't you? Then I will!

[He empties the glass, fills, and empties it again; then he sits down by the table.